Just Another Daily Dog Walk…

At 73 degrees in the late afternoon, it seemed everyone and his brother was out on the trail with their dogs.  Many a dog was off leash; just plodding around snoot’n up tales of the daily goings on as marked on every branch and brush along the trail.  No point in rushing them; we monkeys can hardly do any better when there’s a newspaper in our hand.  …So all things being quite normal and the day being a tad warmer than what we Alaskans are used to; we were quite enjoying a sunny summer afternoon.

But then there was that one dog barking solo staccato at some distance directly across the Campbell Airstrip, and just out of sight in the woods.  And there was that telltale rustling of brush that followed.  So there was no surprise when this fellow popped out of the brush just moments before a spirited she-moose.  And no surprise to see the two head in different directions; the flustered moose towards our course.

So we had an excuse to run a bit, and all’s well that ends well…  Just another daily dog walk.


I love this place.

I love my pack.

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