
There’s a lot of comfortable numb amongst the masses, but I honestly don’t think the young folks are comfortable enough to be comfortably numb.  Numb maybe, such as that derived from perhaps an inculcated pattern of behavior.  But not comfortably numb as in another generation of spoiled brats…  I believe there is a growing awareness, especially amongst the younger ones, of the need for sustainable living choices with a move towards intangible truths and away from materialism.

The evolution of our human society will not arise from old methods of revolt war and propagation of hate.  War against anything causes more resistance.  Resistance against anything causes more war.  To create something truly wholesome you must start with things truly whole.  “Occupy” was a good idea poorly executed, and it could be no other way.

If  you were to ask for my opinion on where we could begin, I’d dare share an answer: Turn off the television (and other media streams).  You do not need to subject yourself to this, and it has made nobody the stronger or wiser.  You can be intelligent outside the mental constructs of this ever present insanity that permeates our society today.  I know in my heart and soul that we are the world, and we make a difference; and I know that our every choice of every second of every day creates the world we have right now.  We needn’t worry of tomorrow, we must only be conscious of our choice right now.

If just one makes any difference; imagine intentional living coming from a whole neighborhood, a whole state, a whole country, the whole world!!?!!…

You may say I’m a dreamer; but I’m not the only one…

Imagine Lennon


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