Dog fancy has pulled me out of the comfort zone called home to visit several regions of the country to connect for breed competition. It has been my pleasure, for every place we have gone we have received a warm welcome.
From my observation, I have got to say the Kerry community is quite remarkable. Kerry people are as sweet, friendly, loyal, intense and passionate as their beloved Kerry dogs. And, hackles up where there is the perception of values compromised. Though the framing of those values may look slightly different from one person to the next, at the core I believe it is very much the same. Our kerry dogs are special [dare I say sacred], and woe to any other soul thought to exploit them.
But wait; Our strengths are in our differences. We do not each have to approach this endeavor in exactly the same manner to be true to the breed. It seems to me that insistence on one right way creates divisive animosity, which cannot be good for anyone. As an idealist, I believe we would benefit from internalization of this simple truth.
……Our last journey was met with the makings for great memories. Yes, this was exactly what one would hope for from an extended journey bridging 3 times zones. Many thanks to the kind members of the Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Chicago for a warm reception, great venue, and for sending me home with my new Grand Champion!