The Kerry Community, My Thoughts On…

kbt-emptyMy impression of our breed and the people who cherish it has changed markedly over time, and I believe I have come upon a truth worth sharing.


My Changing View…




My first impression was largely one of wonderment and awe, as never having seen anything more delightful than the Kerry Blue Terrier and the lucky few who treasured them!


On First Glance:

Here was a golden community enamored with an elegant & extraordinary breed of dog.




IDevil Dogsn time that first impression of holy perfection evolved into a certain undeniable truth about the breed: Kerries are of the world and perfectly imperfect in their being.  Indeed, Kerries are capable of inciting a devilish mess.  This too, is true of their people.    …With the use of social media one can quickly get a sense of the collective character of any group or community; so too, of the Greater Kerry Community.  Sometimes as I watch the manner in which we communicate, I am taken aback by the seemingly harsh tones.  At times, without knowing, it would be hard to tell whether the evidenced factions are of the same interest group…


On Second Look:

Here was a loose-knit bunch of scrappers with an ivy league veneer.

Well, it is true that members of the Kerry Community do not always see eye-to-eye.  In fact, here is a group that can pretty much be counted on for a heated debate.  And it is obvious that the minds seldom sway, as not one will budge from their steadfast position.  Objectively speaking, in no way can we all be right all the time.  Yet it is in the passionate commitment to our truths that we manifest our shared bond.  And herein lies the commonality of our community, and out of that springs the diversity in our breed.

The Invested View:

Here is a bona fide community of ardent individuals committed to the betterment of a hearty intelligent breed of terrier; if all words here are true, the underlying operative words are “ardently committed”





Now I am sure you have heard it said that our “strengths lie in differences, not similarities.”  …But can it be that the recognition of an inherent similarity could better prepare us to learn from our differences?


…Let us each tip one’s hat to the other.

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